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IPv6 Adressklammer
- IA = Identity Association (RFC8415)
- An Identity Association (IA) is a construct through which a server and a client can identify, group, and manage a set of related IPv6 addresses or delegated prefixes
- a collection of leases assigned to a client
- A client must associate at least one distinct IA with each of its network interfaces for which it is to request the assignment of IPv6 addresses from a DHCP server. The client uses the IAs assigned to an interface to obtain configuration information from a server for that interface. Each such IA must be associated with exactly one interface.
- Each IA holds one type of lease; currently three are defined:
- IA_TA holds temporary addresses and
- IA_NA holds non-temporary addresses
- IA_PD holds delegated prefixes (RFC 8415)
- Each IA has a unique identifier: The IAID
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